It seems that some Image IDs do no show up anymore when called from OCI CLI
The documentation still mentions about their existence, though.
If you do get an empty output for image OS when running the script ...
Copy variable "instance_image" {
default = ""
... then, that specific Image OS that is called by the script is not available anymore (at least when called from OCI CLI)
Initially, when generating the Image OS ID, I was looking for a specific Ubuntu OS: Canonical-Ubuntu-20.04-2021.01.25-0
Practice time
From the Cloud-Shell:
a) generate Tenancy as environment variable:
Copy TENANCY=$(oci iam compartment list --access-level ACCESSIBLE |\
grep -i tenancy | \
awk 'NR==1{print $2}' | \
sed -e 's/,//g' -e 's/"//g')
check if any output:
Copy echo $TENANCY
b) generate the image OCID as environment variable (this time, for image OS Canonical-Ubuntu-20.04-2021.01.25-0 )
Copy var_image_os=$(oci compute image list --all \
--output table --compartment-id $TENANCY | \
grep "Canonical-Ubuntu-20.04-2021.01.25-0" | \
awk {'print $16'})
check if any output (output from Dubai region):
Copy zack@cloudshell:~ (me-dubai-1)$ echo $var_image_os
zack@cloudshell:~ (me-dubai-1)$
No output...
Now let's list what are all the available images for "Canonical-Ubuntu-20.04-2021" of that specific tenancy:
Copy zack@cloudshell:~ (me-dubai-1)$ oci compute image list --all --output table --compartment-id $TENANCY | grep "Canonical-Ubuntu-20.04-2021" | awk {'print $12, $16'}
zack@cloudshell:~ (me-dubai-1)$
So, we have three images & their IDs:
Copy Canonical-Ubuntu-20.04-2021.04.15-0
No sign of Canonical-Ubuntu-20.04-2021.01.25-0, which was initially used.
Test for new Image OS
Tested in Frankfurt region
a) Tenancy
Copy TENANCY=$(oci iam compartment list --access-level ACCESSIBLE |\
grep -i tenancy | \
awk 'NR==1{print $2}' | \
sed -e 's/,//g' -e 's/"//g')
b) This time, using the Canonical-Ubuntu-20.04-2021.03.25.0 to extract the Image ID
Copy var_image_os=$(oci compute image list --all \
--output table --compartment-id $TENANCY | \
grep "Canonical-Ubuntu-20.04-2021.03.25-0" | \
awk {'print $16'})
c) Check if environment variable provides output:
Copy zack:~ (eu-frankfurt-1)$ echo $var_image_os
The repository scripts are already adapted to Canonical-Ubuntu-20.04-2021.03.25-0.
However, if you do meet the empty field in the future for instance_image , now you know how to troubleshoot it, and how to replace your Canonical Ubuntu Image OS with an available one.