[ Part 2 ] Deploying the infrastructure
Steps to be implemented
initialize the working directory
determine what to be created
apply the changes
[ 1 ] Initialize the working directory
Perform this step by running the Terraform command, "terraform init"
[ 2 ] Determine what to be created/deployed
Perform this step by running the Terraform command, "terraform plan"
[ 3 ] Apply changes
[ 3.1 ] Create the compartment
Perform this step to create the compartment, by applying resource targetting:
[ 3.2 ] Create the rest of resources
Perform this step by running the Terraform command, "terraform apply"
At this stage, the "terraform apply" will be:
creating a VCN and compartment, with two subnets - private and public
creating an Internet Gateway
creating an Service Gateway
applying route rules for Service Gateway
deploying an OCI instance in a public subnet, with firewall rules for ports 22, 3306, 33060 and 3307
provisioning MySQL service and mysql-shell on OCI instance
creating a MySQL DB System in a private subnet, with a static private IP (
creating an Object Storage
The Channel will be created in Part 5. The below architecture represents the entire deployment.
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