Running this command will require from you to provide:
a location for your config - you will keep here the default:
your User OCID
your Tenancy OCID
your region by index or name - my account is located in eu-frankfurt-1, so I will go with index 13
you will be asked if you want to generate a new API Signing RSA key pair -- choose "n" (no)
provide the location of your API Signing private key file - here you provide following path:
Possible output:
root@mysqlshellinstance:/home# /root/bin/oci setup config
This command provides a walkthrough of creating a valid CLI config file.
The following links explain where to find the information required by this
User API Signing Key, OCID and Tenancy OCID:
General config documentation:
Enter a location for your config [/root/.oci/config]:
Enter a user OCID: ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaa4UserOCID
Enter a tenancy OCID: ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaa5uTenancyOCID
Enter a region by index or name(e.g.
1: ap-chiyoda-1, 2: ap-chuncheon-1, 3: ap-hyderabad-1, 4: ap-melbourne-1, 5: ap-mumbai-1,
6: ap-osaka-1, 7: ap-seoul-1, 8: ap-sydney-1, 9: ap-tokyo-1, 10: ca-montreal-1,
11: ca-toronto-1, 12: eu-amsterdam-1, 13: eu-frankfurt-1, 14: eu-zurich-1, 15: me-dubai-1,
16: me-jeddah-1, 17: sa-santiago-1, 18: sa-saopaulo-1, 19: uk-cardiff-1, 20: uk-gov-cardiff-1,
21: uk-gov-london-1, 22: uk-london-1, 23: us-ashburn-1, 24: us-gov-ashburn-1, 25: us-gov-chicago-1,
26: us-gov-phoenix-1, 27: us-langley-1, 28: us-luke-1, 29: us-phoenix-1, 30: us-sanjose-1): 13
Do you want to generate a new API Signing RSA key pair? (If you decline you will be asked to supply the path to an existing key.) [Y/n]: n
Enter the location of your API Signing private key file: /root/.oci/oci_api_private_key.pem
Fingerprint: 0a:f7:f8:f4:ca:b5:1c:ed:4e:91:82:4a:da:0d:b0:9f
Config written to /root/.oci/config
If you haven't already uploaded your API Signing public key through the
console, follow the instructions on the page linked below in the section
'How to upload the public key':
[ 4.2 ] Check if config file was created under /root/.oci/ folder: